Attack Surface Risk Reduction

Mitigating Cyber Threats by Minimizing Your Organization's Attack Surface

One of the biggest challenges that organizations face is understanding the scope and complexity of their attack surface. The attack surface includes all the ways that an attacker could potentially breach a company’s defenses and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, systems, and assets. As businesses continue to adopt new technologies and expand their digital footprint, their attack surface grows, making it more difficult to manage and secure. To reduce the risk of cyber attacks, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s attack surface and to implement effective risk reduction strategies.

With XM Cyber for attack surface risk reduction, the continuous exposure management platform provides a holistic approach by identifying and prioritizing risks across the entire attack surface, including cloud and on-prem environments. With our advanced Attack Path Modeling technology, you can simulate and visualize real-world attack scenarios, detect and prioritize vulnerabilities, and measure your security posture over time. By continuously monitoring your organization’s attack surface and prioritizing remediation efforts based on real-world risk, you can improve your cyber security posture and reduce the likelihood of successful cyber attacks.

Solution Benefits

Comprehensive visibility of your attack surface
Real-time risk assessment and prioritization
Advanced attack simulation and visualization
Seamless integration with your security infrastructure
Compliance with industry regulations and standards

Key Product Features

Hybrid Cloud Coverage

Gain visibility of both on-premises and cloud infrastructure, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Receive security scores against different attack scenarios to understand security posture improvements over time.
Exposure Management for Hybrid Cloud

Attack Graph Visualization

Visualize all attack paths across the attack surface attackers could use to move laterally throughout your network and compromise critical assets, allowing you to prioritize remediation efforts.
'Lone Wolf' Attacks Webinar

Real-time Risk Assessment

Continuously monitor and assess the risk level of each critical asset in real-time, providing actionable insights for incident response and remediation.
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