
Stop prioritizing exposures that don’t impact risk

Make faster, more confident decisions about which exposures to fix and which to put on hold. Know exactly what to focus on with XM…

Identifying risky credentials and permissions with XM Cyber

Learn how low level roles can escalate privileges in just 3 steps and how to prevent it with XM Cyber.

Enabling Continuous Exposure Remediation Efficiency with XM Cyber

By addressing just 2% of exposures that lie on choke points, you can eliminate multiple attack paths to critical assets. Learn how in this…

Exposure Management XM Cyber Demo

Check out how XM Cyber helps you improve remediation efficiency and security posture at the same in this step-by-step product demonstration.

Case Study: Cyber Guard

If you are an MSSP looking to give your customers continuous, real-time in depth knowledge of what to fix in their environments, check out…

Total Economic Impact Study™  

Forrester reports a ROI of 394% and total benefits of over $12.54 million over three years for XM Cyber’s Attack Path Management.

Attack Paths: Just 4 Steps Can Compromise 94% of Assets

Behind every so-called data breach is a more discrete “series of incidents,” typically involving attackers or insiders first gaining access to system and then…

XM Cyber Product Overview

Discover security exposures across your hybrid cloud environments and remediate them efficiently to get security posture right with XM Cyber.

Introduction: See All Ways

Despite all the resources companies devote to cybersecurity most can’t answer the simple question: “Is our business secure?”. To overcome this big disconnect, organizations…

Video: Plymouth Rock achieves vulnerability prioritization with XM Cyber to focus on the right remediation

Plymouth Rock has a committed team working hard to ensure the company’s critical assets remain secure. To accomplish this, the team utilizes tools from…

Go beyond Log4Shell and see the entire attack path with XM Cyber

We know you’re working tirelessly to get ahead of the log4j vulnerability. Here at XM Cyber, we can help you prioritize your remediation efforts…

XM Cyber Attack Path Management platform integration with Amazon Inspector

The XM Cyber Attack Path Management platform integration with Amazon Inspector identifies all cyber exposures, vulnerabilities and prioritizes high impact risks. The discovery is…

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Find and fix the exposures that put your critical assets at risk with ultra-efficient remediation.

See what attackers see, so you can stop them from doing what attackers do.