
Introducing MacHound: A Solution to MacOS Active Directory-Based Attacks

As a security researcher at XM Cyber, designing core product support for MacOS was one of my goals last year. Designing this support meant researching MacOS’s attack surface with a focus on creating the greatest impact for our current and future clients. As I began my research, I noticed that, as opposed to my initial assumptions, MacOS were not standalone devices that sometimes were managed by an MDM solution; rather, they were integrated and partially managed by the client’s Active Directory (on-prem or Azure). I started mapping out the attack surface that an Active Directory integration adds to MacOS, focusing on performing a lateral movement from the Mac- to the Windows-based parts of the Active Directory, and vice versa. While doing the research, I stumbled upon many security tools that provide most, if not all, of the required capabilities that I was looking for, such as “Bifrost” and “Orchard” by Cody Thomas (kudos!).

MacOS Integration With Microsoft Active Directory

Active Directory-Based Attack Vectors

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MacOS built-in remote access features
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Active Directory users and groups added to remote login feature
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״Allowed administration by” with Active Directory groups enabled

Introducing MacHound

Data Collector

How Does the Data Collection Work? — Computer SMB SID

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An example execution output used to extract the SMB SID

How Does the Data Collection Work? — Local OpenDirectory Scheme

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Example of a user plist file
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Example of a group plist file

How Does the Data Collection Work? — Local Administrative Group Members

How Does the Data Collection Work? — Logged-in Sessions

MacHound Collector Final Output

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An example output of the MacHound collector

Database Ingestor

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An example of MacOS logged sessions
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An example of using Bloodhound to see unrolled administrators on MacOS

Next Steps

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Rony Munitz is Senior Security Researcher at XM Cyber

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